Needham Community Theatre

About Needham Community Theatre

Founded over 40 seasons ago, Needham Community Theatre (NCT) is a non-profit organization with a membership of your friends and neighbors from Needham and surrounding communities. We welcome everyone with an interest in music, theatre, and community service to join us in the fun, onstage and backstage. Theatre experience is not required. We traditionally do two shows per year - a musical in the fall and a smaller drama or comedy in the spring. (Please consider joining our playreading committee!)

One of our goals is to promote interest and education in the dramatic arts. In support of this goal, NCT provides scholarship awards to two graduating seniors from Needham High School each year. NCT also remembers that Community is our middle name, and has a tradition of giving to the community that has taken many forms, such as the donation of the band shell to the Park and Recreation Commission and the donation of stage equipment and curtain for the Carleton Auditorium at Newman Elementary School. Our most precious resources are our members who volunteer their time, advice and assistance to other community groups in their theatrical endeavors.

Through the generous support of our members and audiences, we continue our tradition of bringing high quality arts and entertainment to our community.

NCT is a member of the Eastern Massachusetts Association of Community Theatres (EMACT) and NeedArts, Needham's coalition for the performing arts.

Want to become a member?

Become a patron/subscriber?

Call the NCT hotline at 781-444-4740
or send us a membership form.

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