Welcome to Needham, MA

Contributors to NeedhamOnline

Polly Attridge

Polly, a regular at the Needham Historical Society, has provided a lot of history and background information on Needham...interestingly, the history of the town and the origin of its name are oft-asked questions.

Patty Carey & Dan Pitts

Patty Carey, director, and Dan Pitts, assistant director, at Needham Park & Recreation, have both provided substantial content for the site.

Whitney Cohen

Whitney has contributed all of the content for the Needham Community Theatre portion of the web site. She also designed and supplied the pages for the Richard Patton Melick Foundation.

Elise MacLennan

Elise, assistant director at the Needham Free Public Library, provided all of the information for the original library section, and takes electronic reference questions via a web page (for residents only). The Library, by the way, was one of the early supporters of the Needham web site!

Tad Staley

Tad has contributed a complete subsite for Needham soccer...and we all know how important soccer is to Needham!

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